Is The Fiduciary Standard Enough?
"Are you a fiduciary" is a question I often am asked by potential clients. This article compares the fiduciary to the suitability standard, and pokes holes are areas where the fiduciary standard does not go far enough particularly in regards to advisor compensation and suggesting other providers.
"Are you a fiduciary" is a question I often am asked by potential clients. This article compares the fiduciary to the suitability standard, and pokes holes are areas where the fiduciary standard does not go far enough particularly in regards to advisor compensation and suggesting other providers.
Passive Index Bubble & Listening to the Gurus
Market noise is everywhere - but what should we pay attention to? If a famous market guru suggests the market is going to burst, should we listen?
Market noise is everywhere - but what should we pay attention to? If a famous market guru suggests the market is going to burst, should we listen?